Information from the Sehat Program

Did you know?

Find out more information about different health statistics for South Asians. Did you know 2/5 South Asians have two or more risk factors that can lead to chronic disease? Learn more

Low on Minerals?

Find out which foods you can eat to get your minerals and nutrients. For example, some iron-rich foods include: tofu, dried fruits, beans, lentils, chickpeas, and green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. Learn more

Do you really know how much sugar you're consuming?

Learn about the two different types of sugar - added sugar and naturally-occurring sugar. There is also information about the amount of sugar in common foods and drinks. Learn more

Do you really know how much fat you're consuming?

Learn about the amount of fat in some popular Indian food dishes. We give tips on which foods you should choose more often and which foods you should avoid. Learn more

Which oils/fats should you be cooking with?

Learn about which oils or fats you should use while cooking at home! Learn more

Learn how to read nutrition labels

Learn how you can read nutrition labels so you apply this while you shop for groceries. We have provided tips for how you can monitor your fat and sodium intake! Learn more

Is your plate balanced?

Learn more about the new Canada's Food Guide. We also offer some sample meal examples so feel free to take ideas and incorporate them into your child's lunch! Learn more

If you have any other questions or concerns, please reach out to the Sehat Team through email at