29th Annual Awards Ceremony

Submitted by Gurmat on

The 29th Annual Awards Ceremony was a great success! Each student was recognized with a custom plaque and students who placed also received medals. This year’s plaque was dedicated to the Kisaan Morcha and the hundreds of lives lost during this protest. Each and every student worked very hard throughout the year in their Punjabi, Santhia, Sikh Studies, Kirtan and Gatka classes! 

Students arrived at 9:00 am at the Awards Ceremony and went straight to the prizes table to get a wristband! These wristbands each had a unique number that would be entered into the prize draws to win lots of prizes! Students then headed to the langar hall to enjoy yummy fries, pakoray and sweets. Once students were seated in Darbar, the Awards Ceremony began with beautiful Kirtan from our very own students!