Spring 2022 Newsletter!

Submitted by Gurmat on


Spring 2022 Newsletter

In this issue of our seasonal newsletter, you will find out what has happened since the winter holidays along with upcoming information about the summer time! 

This Happened...

                              Parent Teacher Interviews                 
Before students went on their break, there was a week of parent teacher interviews. During these interviews, teachers discussed exam marks and student progress with families. 

Kirtan Performance 

The beginners Kirtan class did Kirtan on stage for the first time on Sunday, February 16th! The class started Darbar off with Simran, followed by Katha about the importance of Kes.
   International Mother Language Day
In celebration of International Mother Language Day, here is a picture of one of the level 3 classes practising their reading. Level 3 students meet twice a week. One class is focused on Punjabi reading and building vocabulary while in the other class, students learn grammar. After completing their third & final Punjabi level, students will move onto Nitnem Santhia next year!

New Sunday Darbar Prizes  

Sevadars headed to Toys "R" Us to shop for Sunday Youth and Family Darbar prizes! Sevadars selected a variety of fun prizes for all age groups. If you are between the ages of 4-17 and would like to win one of the prizes, join us every Sunday from 5:30-7:00 for our weekly Sunday Youth and Family Darbar.
In April, we were fortuante to have Bhai Sandeep Singh as our special guest speaker for our Gurmat Center Youth event! Participants listened to Bhai Sandeep Singh's experiences in Canada during the 70's and 80's. We ended off with an exciting game of "heads up" and a pizza dinner!
Gurmat Center Youth
In March we were fortunate to have Bibi Kiranjot Kaur join us at GCY as our special guest facilitator. The event started with Sangti roop Rehras Sahib. Then, everyone engaged in a discussion about Sacrifice and Sikhi. This was followed by a competitive game of "5 second rule" and a pizza dinner! 
DGA Visit 
We visited our friends at Dasmesh Gurmat Academy in April. It was so nice to catch up with the Sevadars, learn about all the new classes, and upcoming programs, and tour the beautiful school! We look forward to reconnecting again soon.
Sikh Heritage Month 
On April 24, Sunday Youth & Family Darbar was dedicated to Sikh Heritage Month. Sikh Heritage Month was first celebrated in BC in 2018 ad it is formally recognized by the Government of Canada! Sangat listened to Katha by Bhai Gurkeerat Singh about the history and importance of the Nishaan Sahib.

Upcoming news...

You are invited to the 29th annual Awards Ceremony! We are so excited to announce that this year's event will be back to normal! We have a fun filled day planned with appetizers, Kirtan, awards, lunch, entertainment, prizes, and Gatka. Be sure to mark the date on your calendars!
Information regarding Summer Camp dates and registration will be released near the end of May!
With Guru Jee's Kirpa, for the first time ever, Level 6 Part 2 students will be taking part in a Sehaj Paath Bhog. These students have reached the end of Guru Granth Sahib Jee Santhia and are now preparing for the Bhog. All families are invited to attend the program!