Submitted by Gurmat on


As requested by the management committee of Gurdwara Sahib Kalgidhar Darbar, classes cannot take place at Gurmat Center until further notice. Please see how classes will continue below: 

Punjabi (Level 1, 2, & 3):

  • On the day of class, lessons will be recorded and posted on the website by 8 PM. Homework will also be posted as usual. The recorded lesson will be included on the homework sheet.
  • Students must watch the lessons and complete the classwork and homework.
  • Homework does not need to submitted. It is assigned to help students prepare for their exams and practise the course material learned over the year. 

Nitnem Santhia (Level 4), Sikh Studies (Level 5), Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee Santhia (Level 6 Part 1 & 2):

  • Classes will continue via Google Meet on the same day and time.
  • Students have been contacted via email with more information. 


  • Classes have been paused until further notice. 


We appreciate your cooperation in this matter as we uphold the new regulations to ensure the safety of our community.
Please continue to check your email and the website for more updates. 

Public Health Order