School Year (2024 - 2025) Volunteer Form

If you are going to join any other extra curricular activity (sports, clubs etc.) during the school year, make sure it does not conflict with your day(s) of Seva that you have already committed to.

Application deadline: Sunday, August 25th, 2024 at 12:00 PM

In order to be accepted as a volunteer for the 2024-2025 school year,  all of the conditions listed below must be fully met and agreed to.  Note: Applicant must fill out their own volunteer application.

Volunteer Information
Singh or Kaur
Previous Volunteer Info
Have you previously volunteered with Gurmat Center?
History (Volunteer, Education/Training)
Are you presently a volunteer with any organization?

What department are you applying for?

  • Day: Monday to Friday
  • Time: 4:45 – 7:00 p.m.
  • Mid-September to Mid-June
  • Day: Monday to Friday
  • Time: 4:45 – 7:15 p.m.
  • Mid-September to Mid-June
  • Day: Monday to Friday
  • Time: 4:45 – 7:10 p.m.
  • Mid-September to Mid-June
  • Day: TBA
  • Time: 6:50 – 8:10 p.m.
  • October to Mid-June
Please select your top choice for the day you wish to volunteer
Please choose one or two days you would like to volunteer. By selecting these days, you are committing to them for the entire school year.
Parent Information
Name of Mother
Name of Father
Emergency Information
Emergency Contact Name
Staff clothing
Do you own staff clothing from previous years?
Staff Clothing No
T-shirt Size
All the information that is given in this application is true and correct. As a volunteer, I understand that I will perform my Seva every week and my parents will fully support me in my role as a volunteer. I will fulfill my role as a volunteer to the best of my abilities. I understand that the administration team will make the final decision regarding volunteer scheduling and placement. I acknowledge that photos and videos taken during volunteering remain the sole property of Gurmat Center, and they may be used in future and current marketing campaigns.