COVID-19 UPDATE: Current & Upcoming School Year, Awards Ceremony, Summer Camp & More! 

Submitted by Gurmat on

Updated Wednesday, June 1, 2020

We hope that everybody is doing well during these difficult times and are practising physical distancing. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we try navigating our way through this unprecedented time. 

The safety and well-being of our students, volunteers and staff is our top priority. We have been following and will continue to follow recommendations from our provincial health officer, the Canadian government and local authorities.

Please continue reading for updates about:

  • The current school year & fee refunds
  • Awards Ceremony
  • Our plan for the upcoming school year
  • Summer Reading Program
  • Annual summer camps & other programs



2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR

In the interest of everyone's safety and to respect provincial health guidelines, it has been decided that classes will no longer be continuing for the remaining portion of the school year. Students will not be receiving report cards but will be promoted to the next level. Continue reading to learn how we will help students continue their learning when they come back in September.



All registered students will receive refunds for the months of April & May. We will be diligently working on refunding all students over the next few months. Your patience is greatly appreciated.

Refunding fees for over 500 students will be a lengthy process. Please note that once all refunds have been processed, families will be contacted and informed via email. In the event that a family has not yet received their refund upon receiving the email, we request that you email us at



We will not be concluding our school year with our grand Awards Ceremony. We are very sad that we are unable to end off the school year as we always do by celebrating the success and hard work of our students, volunteers, staff, and families. We thank you for being a part of Gurmat Center this year and hope you register your child(ren) in their next level for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year.



We are working to develop a restart plan with the guidance of BC health authorities with the intention to begin classes again in the fall. Our team will be working hard over the summer to plan for the upcoming school year and ensure that Gurmat Center is a safe environment for our students, staff, volunteers, and families. Please stay tuned for another update during the summer (via email) regarding the upcoming school year.

All registered students have been promoted to the next level. To ensure that our students' education is not hindered, please see plan below.

  • Punjabi, Level 1 promoted to Level 2: Classes will pick up from where they left off.  
  • Punjabi, Level 2 promoted to Level 3: Classes will pick up from where they left off.  
  • Punjabi, Level 3 promoted to Nitnem Santhia, Level 4: Students have developed reading skills and can advance to Nitnem Santhia. However, if students do not complete the Summer Reading program (see next section) and are unable to keep up with the class, they may be sent back to the previous level by their teacher.  
  • Nitnem Santhia, Level 4 promoted to Sikh Studies, Level 5: Students will complete their remaining Nitnem Santhia (Anand Sahib) in level 5.
  • Sikh Studies, Level 5 promoted to GGSJ Santhia, Level 6 (Part 1): Students have practised Gurbani reading skills and will be promoted to level 6. 
  • GGSJ Santhia, Level 6 (Part 1) to promoted GGSJ Santhia, Level 6 (Part 2): Class will pick up from where it was left off.  
  • GGSJ Santhia, Level 6 (Part 2): Students will be offered a class every Thursday for 1 hour & 15 minutes for the duration of 2 months. Students that attend this class and complete Santhia will be recognized at next year's Awards Ceremony. Students will have to register for this class in the summer and pay the fees.  
  • Kirtan (All levels): Classes will pick up from where they left off.  
  • Gatka: A decision regarding this class will be made in the summer, prior to registrations opening.

Updates regarding registrations will be provided during the summer (via email).



All students should have completed their revision material that was sent out in April. 

To ensure that students do not fall behind in their classes, we request families to support their children through the Summer Reading Program. The resources for this program can be found in the students' workbooks/binders. Students must continue to review class material until classes restart. Kirtan students will be emailed their Summer Reading Program resources. 

The Summer Reading Program has been established in order to prevent learning loss over the summer holidays. Given the additional two months that students have not been in class, it is critical that students participate in this program in order to avoid being sent back to their previous class/level. 

Please note that your child's teacher reserves the right to send students back to their previous class/level if the student did not complete their summer reading or if they're unable to keep up with their new level.

Students can also continue using the revision material that was prepared for April & May by clicking here.



Gurmat Center's summer camps have been cancelled this year. Staff and volunteers will be using this time to adjust to our new normal and prepare for the upcoming school year.  



As the COVID-19 situation improves, we will be looking for opportunities for a gradual and safe return to Gurmat Center programs and activities. 

Sunday Youth & Family Darbar will restart on Sunday, October 4, 2020.


Once again, we sincerely appreciate your patience and support. Our team is working hard to do our part in keeping Gurmat Center families safe. We miss our students and amazing Sangat, and we pray that we see you all very soon!